- Damed area

- Milkyway - Undisturbed calcite formation on the floor

- Swimming across to the other passages

- Walking on wooden plank just above the water line

- Checking gears

- Air drying technique

- Helmet for sale

- More helmet for sale

- Kaki Bukit sign

- LPS food break

- Entering LPS

- Leaches on the trek up LPS

- Having a break before entering LPS

- LPS enterence somewhere on the hill tops

- Trekking up LPS

- Swollen left finger and eyes - lack of sleep

- Chun Wah will go to great lengths to get the perfect

- Preparing to into a cave

- Rambo in Kaki Bukit?

- Last day in Kaki Bukit

- The Team

- Massive traffic on the way home to KL

- Washing up the gear after an exploration

- Timur Tasoh panaromic view

- Spot the sneak among the cables

- Leong prepares to climb pitch#4 LPS

- Leong climbing pitch#4

- Passages in LPS

- Teamwork in muddy areas. Siew Eng in waist deep mud

- The team rests and discuss plans

- Bottom of pitch #4

- Yoke Chuan takes a rest coming down from LPS

- Accidental self potrait

- Calcified ladder

- Dinner time!